Graduate Feature, ALU MUR….

ALU Alumni
2 min readJan 26, 2021

Meet Wada Maseko from Botswana.

Hey ALUmni community, greetings from Botswana!

I hope you are all well and healthy in these troubling times.

With all that’s been going on, allow me to say congratulations on making it to 2021! This year particularly is a very pivotal season in my life, as it is the year I graduate from ALC. Looking back, one of the major lessons I have learned during my time at ALC is to not restrict your network to a particular socio-economic class. Remember times change, situations are temporary, be kind to all.

New hobbies?

Yes! This lockdown has been a blessing in disguise. It has allowed me to develop myself by upskilling. The skills I have learned are forex trading and graphic design. I am also excited to soon learn more about HR Analytics through the remote internship I sourced from Capgemini, India.

Any special message to your former colleagues?

My word of encouragement to all my fellow graduates (well anyone really!) is to MOVE AT YOUR OWN PACE. Oftentimes we can get tempted to compare ourselves to our colleagues that seem to be “making it”. Perhaps they have full-time offers or are even getting engaged. That’s great but understand that we all have different paths in this life as ordained by God, so my friend, move at your own pace, pursue your vision and goals unapologetically. One day, you will be next in line to be celebrated.”

_Wada Maseko

ALC class of 2017

